Price Cattle Company


Bull and Female Sale
February 26, 2025
Double M Ranch Sale Facility • 1:00 PM
Stanfield, OR

Sale Book
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Thank you for visiting our website. We welcome your review and hope we can be of service.

Price Cattle Company has been producing quality Angus cattle since 1984. Since our beginning with exceptional Wye bred heifers, we have been selecting for and breeding to proven Angus sires known for maternal traits. We have developed a truly elite Angus cow herd.

In 1989 we expanded our Angus program to incorporate Simmental and Gelbvieh genetics to produce what we call "Herdmaker" Composites. The addition of these breeds provides genetic diversity and hybrid vigor to our offering. As with our Angus program we only use proven sires in these breeds and stress maternal traits to enhance production under rugged range conditions.

The selection criteria for our Angus and Composite seedstock is the same. We select for moderate birth weight, frame size and milk with above average growth and superior carcass quality. All our cattle run together in traditional fashion; calving on inside pastures so calves can be properly tagged and birth weights recorded, bred AI for 45 days, then hauled to summer pasture and rangeland until weaning. Calves are weaned in late summer, returned to our Buttercreek Ranch headquarters for processing, and then entered into a commercial feed yard for growth evaluation and testing. At every opportunity our bulls are scrutinized for conformational traits. Bulls not meeting our strict criteria are rejected, banded, and sent to Beef Northwest Feedlot for finishing as steers.

The bulls we offer for sale are deep ribbed, muscled cattle with superior feet and legs. Bulls also meet our standard for docility. You will find our cattle to be quiet and easy to handle. Come see for yourself. Bulls are currently on feed at Double M feedlot near Hermiston, Oregon. Join us Sale Day--FEBUARY 22, 2023. Lunch will be served at 11am, and the sale begins at 1pm.

Thank you!

Tom Price & family 541.969.8970
John Kerns 541.519.0422
Tom Price Jr. 541.310.0983
Wes Price 907.720.8900